Sister's Night Out......
Fact or Fiction???????????
For those of us able to attend SNO 2011
An impromptu gathering of sisters and sisters in law alike,
we know the truth!
For those of you too far away to drop everything and join in our
"let's do this thing before they put Laila on bedrest"
you'll have to decide for yourselves
Is it truth?
Or is it fiction?
Once upon a time.....
Jenny and Amber stumble upon a treasure trove that was headed to Val's ebay collection...
And were asked to be models for said collection
Rampant jealousy ensued, leaving Jenny to prove her skills by beating Amber about the head
While Laila tried to see if the ancient typewriter, sure to bring a winning bid, would fit under her shirt.
After all, she WAS already smuggling two little boys!
After saving the treasure trove, eager sisters gathered at a table in a jungle and waited
in hopes that they would see scantily clad cliff divers. And be served fantastic food
Seemingly out of nowhere, the cliff divers appeared. Both in the male and female variety.
Watching loinclothed people jump and dive from 4 stories above proved to be much better than the food. Which may, in fact, have been horrid.
After paying too much for an inedible dinner, Laila decided to sacrifice herself to the Dragon of Cement
And was very grateful to be reminded that there were plenty of snacks at the hotel room
Along with comfortable seating and plenty of HGTV
An argument over who had the best abs prompted Jenny into a fantastic pillow fight with Andra. Perhaps the hotel will think twice before providing so much amunition in the future.
Andra showed Jenny who was the boss. Jenny is now very, very afraid.
The sisters traveled, after a quarter of a night's rest, and a morning meal provided by
the hotel to a windy, snowy city of parks
and could not help think of Cindy when they saw this collection of clothing.
Then thought that perhaps, someday soon, Margaret will be having a grandchild that might
like these outfits too!
The sisters, having exhausted their bodies and most of their funds, decided to have their tresses dressed in the Grove of Pleasant. Their stylist, Amber, worked frantically to tame the tousled locks of the maidens.
Except for Sage. We all had to wonder when she magically appeared looking stunning with no help
from the hair fairy! It must have been the draw of mystical meats wrapped in crisp lettuice leaves.
During the now famous game of purses, Amber managed to trump them all
with her spanking device. No one else
came close.
Thankfully, Laila managed to talk all of the sisters into a play at the local
theater. At which time, there was much laughing, perhaps some wetting of pants,
and intense shivering involved.
We lack only the picture of the end of the evening activity
gathered around the table in the Grove of Pleasant
with Prince Jeffery.
Who was willing to share his ice cream with us
as long as we were willing to share with him
our Great wall of chocolate cake.
As we again laughed so hard we cried
and tried to convince ourselves to go home
before the stroke of midnight.