Saturday, January 12, 2008

Amazing Marzipan Babies

Have you seen these? These tiny babies are made of marzipan, a kind of candy made of almond frosting. Amazing! Andra, maybe you could do something like this for your next wedding cake!? (I understand the first one can come any time. All others take about 9 months!)


Jeremy said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!! thats all I have to say.

somestratt said...

It is amazing that they even have ten fingers and toes, and other unmentionables. They are so adorable. Can you eat them? I know, that sounds really sick, but why marzipan? Is it just great to work with or are these tiny babys meant to be edible?

Nanna said...

The lady made them to eat. But who could!!!!

Cindy said...

Those are just precious. Mom would have totally loved them--she would have switched to marzipan from salt dough!

abstowe said...

I guess I should have hidden some of those on the last cake I made, as the bun was already in the oven, so to speak.
I want some of those tiny babies though! Preferably without the real to life gender parts. I think I would just shellac them and put them on the piano - like Laila's old piano baby!

somestratt said...

HA, HA about the "piano baby." Good memory though. And yuck to eating them. Yuck, yuck yuck.

I am Sam said...

1 word- creepy