Wednesday, May 21, 2008

another part of the being watson gene

Who else reads in the bathtub?


somestratt said...

Honestly, it is usually the only way that I can take a "long" bath, otherwise I get really bored. Of course, I only do it once or twice a year, so I might not count for this poll :)

I am Sam said...

been there, done that. i just make sure it's a library book that i take in.... j/k.
i take magazines to the tub. car magazines... anyone ever seen my collection? i never miss them when they get dropped... or wet-finger spotted...

abstowe said...

Reading in the tub is one of the nicest treats I give myself. If I've really been good, I eat ice cream in there, THEN read for a good long time.
Did I forget to mention that the water has to be almost scalding hot when I get in????
Too bad it is hot here now, I'll have to adapt to warm water instead.

Nathan and Margaret said...

whenever I get the chance. which is why my baths are like. . .2 hours instead of 15 minutes. I love to read. I love hot water. bordering on reverence. But probably not as much as I love my bed, which I do actually love with a deep and romantic love!!!!

Nathan and Margaret said...

I also have rules for reading in the tub. Like, I have to keep the other hand out of the water the whole time, or at least long enought to let it air dry before I need to turn the next page. Sometimes I keep a dry towel close by. It is very technical, and should not be undertaken by the faint of heart, or the dry.

Cindy said...

I have to say that I completely don't understand people who don't do baths. Particularly people who think baths are "filthy." Truly--I had a roommate who once said "why would you lie in your own filth???" Hello, I don't know about you, but I'm not filthy! Just a healthy amount of sweat and a bit of dirt from time to time...

I have a great bathtub. And the best part about it is that every time I use it I think loving thoughts towards my wonderful husband the whole time. What a nice man. And what a great tub!

PS--Newsweek isn't so great in the tub, I just (20 minutes ago) decided. Because I come out of my nice bath anxious about the economy rather than just plain relaxed and happy!

Jeremy said...

Hey Maria here,
So I do the exact same thing...I have a book, some candles, and a hand towel so i won't get the pages wet (it doesn't always work but its the thought that counts).
I also just got Jer to take bathes...he would like it more if our bath tub was longer so we are planning on getting a 6ft tub when we get a house (eventually) because he is to tall.

cindy baldwin said...

Marg and Maria, I do the same thing - with the hand towel.

I also eat chocolate in the tub...

And oh yeah. I hardly EVER drop books in there....