Friday, October 24, 2008

There's a lot to be said for a Temple marriage!


Cindy said...

Oh wow! That is unbelievable.

Another reason for a temple wedding? You don't have to come up with a "wedding craft." Seriously--I've seen several pictures in the last year or so that show the bride, groom, and preacher doing some kind of project involving a vase and sand....

AmShaZam said...

We think the best man set the whole thing up! He wanted her for his own!

I laughed and laughed!

somestratt said...

I just wonder if it is from that new show "wedding crashers." It is a show about how the bride and groom hire people to crash their wedding, on purpuse, to dupe their guests. Not fake weddings mind you, but the real thing, just to add a little more to it! Does anyone see so many cases of calling good evil and evil good lately?

Nathan and Margaret said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I that girl wasn't a bridezilla, otherwise she would have had that guy beHEADED!!! Talk about a ceremony not going how you planned!!!! YIKES YIKES YIKESSSS

Cindy said...

Laila--I 've never heard of such a thing. Talk about sacrilegious...