Ok, Andra threw down the gauntlet when she called it "the Andra and Laila blog." So I figured I'd post, even though I posted recently about park city, a long & involved post with lots of pictures. Nevertheless, I will post again.
As you may or may not know, we celebrated Father's day early in the Ray house. Russ got a midlife crisis for Father's Day this year....
as in russ bought a convertable this year? I just had a convertable for a rental in monterey Ca.
that was jeremy by the way. was logged in under maria for some reason
Yes, Russ got a convertible. He's wanted one for a couple of years and we finally did it. It's a 2004 Sebring with 54K miles on it. Very fun to drive. Now if we can just figure out how to keep the cat from sleeping on the black roof!
How fun!!! I guess the Mazda just wasn't cutting it huh???
Jenny and I got pulled the rental upgrade sweet talk in Monterey a few years ago, (get a cheapy and sweet talk the upgrade at the counter-no lamborghini's available that day) That top never cam up once it went down. Fun fun. Congrats Russ.
Be careful Russ. I've heard that if you hit a certain speed, your hair will fly out and never come back ever. EVER!
I found one bad thing about having a convertible today. I was driving on I40 to work after having picked up big red from the shop (brake pads). I started smelling something that didn't smell right. So I start checking the gauges and warning lights but don't see anything out of the ordinary. The smell keeps getting stronger so I'm looking for smoke from my tailpipe or fron under the hood. Then it starts taking on a corral #5 kind of smell and it is getting worse and worse.
Finally I could see in the distance the problem. A pig truck (semi full of pigs) was up ahead and the truck was belching smoke. It took a couple more minutes before I could pass the truck and the smell kept getting worse. Finally I passed and miraculously the smell was gone.
Sage and I rented a Sebring Convertible and loved it. It had the 6 cylinder engine that was amazingly powerful and sounded awesome. It also cornered pretty well, even though Sage is always squeamish once the back end starts coming around. Women. Looks great, though. My convertible has two wheels and doesn't allow quite so much wind in my hair.
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