Saturday, November 3, 2007

Progress is a great thing!

Bob and I have decided that we have done a great public service for anyone who lives near us. We have doublehandedly managed to slow traffic on this road to a literal crawl! It is really fun to have everyone drive by slowly to see the progress that is being made on the new house. Even the mail woman commented today how nice it is looking - and we tend to agree!
And on the home front - Bob has taken all this week off to work on this house (thank goodness!) The cardboard boxes on the front porch are my fault - waiting to be filled up. Notice the new (unfinished) front porch and garage. One day it will look like a real house again - only bigger!


Cindy said...

Oh WOW Andra! Not only does the new house look wonderful, but it makes the old house look minuscule! I'll bet you are just *so* excited!

BTW--it looks like you might need to clean off your camera lens maybe...

somestratt said...


I LOVE the pics. Thanks so much for giving me my fix for the day. I don't even need HGTV this way!!! I just want to come so bad, but I know that it will only be that much better in a month! I hope it is not too cold when we are visiting to go and spend some serious time in the new house. Maybe B and I can sleep in the new garage in the old house!

Cindy said...

I'm so jealous! I want to see it again!

abstowe said...

Cindy, it is waaaaay more fun to look at now than when you were here!!!

cindy baldwin said...

Wow, Andra!!! It looks incredible! When is it supposed to be completed?

abstowe said...

The goal is January. Then you can come stay with US on long weekends!

somestratt said...

Hey, I want to come stay with CL and you guys for long weekends!....I get the strong suspicion that our brothers aren't going to get into this conversation. Maybe the wife of that bald guy...She can some spend some long weekends too.