Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What I love about coupons

I have not done much coupon shopping lately.  I know *gasp*.  The fantastic sales have not been as good as they once were, and added to the increased newspaper cost, I have chosen to not chase the sales.  
Thanks to Laila, I was able to get my hands on some $3 off 5 coupons for this week's 10 for 10 quaker sale.  If you do the math, each item comes out at .40!  Except for those purchased using a $1.00 off printable coupon.  Those were free!!!!!

30 boxes of cereal and 10 boxes of instant oatmeal for $16.00
Thanks Laila!


somestratt said...

Love, love, love it!!!

yogamama said...

Hey Laila, My Smiths wouldn't take the coupons but I sent Ben last night and the lady let him by 40 boxes and use 4 coupons. He didn't even have any coupons. I will have to send him more often and let him work his girlie charms!

abstowe said...

Hey, yogamama -
Thankfully, I was greedy and bought coupons off of ebay and they did not have the "fine print". Sounds like Ben is related to Jeff!!!!!

somestratt said...

Jenny, that is awesome!!! Go Ben!

Nanna said...

Have you every noticed how food storage-able products are seldom "weight conscious"?!