Friday, January 30, 2009

Emergency Plan for Families

I have found a Canadian website that will help you to make an emergency plan for your family.

This website will:
"help you and your family know what to do in case of an emergency. Every household needs an emergency plan.
It will take you about 20 minutes to complete your personalized plan online. You can then print it out.

Before starting your home emergency plan, you will need to think about:

Safe exits from home and neighbourhood
Meeting places to reunite with family or roommates
Designated person to pick up children should you be unavailable
Contact persons close-by and out-of-town
Health information
Place for your pet to stay
Risks in your region
Location of your fire extinguisher, water valve, electrical box, gas valve and floor drain "

This is an important thing for every family to "have a plan". Take a few moments and check it out. This is a simple thing that can help your family.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It must be a day for funerals

The Carl's Jr. restaurant here is planning a "funeral service" to mourn the loss of a toilet accidentally shot by a customer. Capitalizing on the enormous publicity that the bizarre story generated, the fast-food restaurant chain announced a memorial service Friday for the deceased toilet.

"By all accounts, it was a good toilet; reliable and well-liked by customers and crew members alike," Carl's Jr. executive vice president of marketing Brad Haley wrote in a note posted on the restaurant's Facebook page. "So, it seems only fitting to have a formal service to let everyone say goodbye to such a critical member of our team that was in very close contact with the public each and every day."

The Deseret News reported on the toilet mishap Jan. 15, when a man's concealed weapon accidentally went off while he was using the bathroom. Police said the concealed weapons permit holder had a holster inside his pants.

"While pulling his pants up, the gun fell out of the holster, striking the tile floor," Centerville Police Lt. Paul Child said. "When the gun hit the floor, it went off, and the bullet struck the toilet, shattering it and sending sharp pieces of porcelain flying."

The first 50 mourners on Friday will recieve a bottle of "kaboom" toilet cleaner, the deceased's favorite. Our sympathies go out to the urinal and the porcelain sink who must go on without their longtime friend and associate.

The passing of a friend

Well, its time to mourn the passing of a really really good friend. My treadmill died yesterday. This was the treadmill that I got when i was first pregnant with Lincoln, so it was over seven years old. During that time I used it probably more than half the days. And that is averaging in the periods of time when I didn't use it. Because there were so many more periods of time when I used it every day for extended periods of time. This treadmill was part of the "big deal" when I agreed to have Lincoln and Isaac. In that agreement I got the treadmill, a trip to disneyland, a deep freeze, a finished yard, and a finished basement. It was awesome. But I can honestly say that I love and depend on my treadmill more than any other thing in the house. Except maybe the tv. I watch tv while I am on the treadmill.
So it was a healthrider S900i softstrider. It was really nice. With a carpeted track. When we replace it, it will have to be with something really heavy duty. Most of the wear and tear my treadmill experienced seemed to coincide with the times when a 250 lb man was using it often. I am not saying anything. Its just a pattern

So this is my new treadmill currently. Yesterday I did 3.2 miles on a very very snowy road. snowier than this one, but it looked like a couple cars had gone by so I ran in the tracks. And a hugomungous snow plow did come by half way through and clean it off. That was really nice. It was snowing like crazy. I had a white snow cap and my mascara was running everywhere. I am sure I was so attractive!!!! The only part of me that seems to have suffered was the inside of my ears. They felt cold after I was done. So today I will wear a hat.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's like getting a computer that Bill Gates designed for himself. Or like getting a meal that Rachel Ray cooked for herself, or Perhaps living in the House that Martha Stuart decorated for herself! Jeff upgraded me to his old (almost new) computer for not nearly enough money. I just had to post pictures of this sweet machine! Here's to hoping I get this online job and this computer will not wear out any time soon!

Friday, January 23, 2009

What is it?

ANSWER: Motorcycle muffler end (last few inches, the rest remained on the bike).

While driving home from Frankfort yesterday I drove over a silver object which was rolling across the road. Once the item went under my van it created quite a racket. I looked at the rear view mirror to see it's departure, however, it didn't appear. When I got home I looked under the van for damage. I did not find any, however, this little jewel was lodged near the rear axle. Do you know what it is? (I do, just thought you might find it interesting)

The item measures about 5 inches across.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Dollar Cure for Hiccups LLC


Amber recently stumbled upon a foolproof method for getting rid of hiccups and if you are like us, you have probably tried all sorts of stupid stunts that never seem to work. Standing on your head, putting fingers up both nostrils, having your spouse punch you in the diaphragm... However this one method has worked instantly every time we've tried it. It is indeed, foolproof.

Now Amber, being the philanthropist she is, probably wants to just give the cure away to everyone in the world and ask only for a smooth, hiccup free "thank you" in return.

However Jeff, the entrepreneur, knows how much the pharmaceutical companies could make for a discovery of this caliber and thinks he can skim a little of the top first, so here's the deal:

I will post the secret recipe in the comments section of this blog. If you choose to click on "Comments" to learn the recipe, you will have entered into a legal contract with me to pay me $1 every time you use the method to cure hiccups.

Likewise, any person you teach the method, resulting in the curing of hiccups, must first agree to remit $1 per curing to yours truly. We will be using the honor system so just make sure to keep track of your number of uses.

Finally, if you click on comments to view the proprietary formula, we can all assume that you don't already know the cure so please, no fraudulent claims to having already known the one true cure for hiccups.

Thank you,
Jeff Watson
Owner: One Dollar Cure for Hiccups LLC

Another one...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where's Tom?

Inspired by Nanna's post...

guess what we didnt find in a cardboard box at the end of north rugby rd. ?!?

Amazingly Simple Home Remedies

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables, by getting someone else to hold them while you chop.

Avoid arguments about putting the toilet seat down by using the sink.

For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.

A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives; then you'll be afraid to cough.

You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

Remember: Everyone seems normal, until you get to know them.

If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem.

Daily Thought:


Monday, January 19, 2009


for the blog being slow, i will post random pictures. hope they excite everyone.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Mom's Clone

Don't you just love this picture of Aunt Elizabeth and Mom?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Best Job in the World

Since Laila was at our house for a few hours and was job hunting, I decided to help out a bit. So here is a job you guys could apply for (of course you'll have to apply before me).

Best Job in the World
read all comments on following blog to find. . . .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Partly Naked on Wood Dale

For those of you who have heard that 301 Wood Dale has undergone a transformation, and wondered what it was like, here be some pictures. Jeannie and I were expecting clear cut, but found it to be less drastic. Still, the transition is quite shocking. I haven't talked to anyone yet who would have cut any of them down. Bonus pictures of the Holy Church of the Aluminum Siding and The Pond are included.

P.S. Resized pictures are the friends of the internet, and indeed, all mankind!
P.P.S. Click on the pictures to see them in all of their resized glory!
P.P.P.S. Sorry for bumping you Marg!

Holy Church of the Aluminum Siding

The Pond
I haven't been on the blog for a while. So these random pictures are just kind of an announcement
that im back!!!! Yea!!!! We just got back from Grandmas funeral (happiest funeral ever) last night. Nathan suprised me by picking me up at the airport (he was already supposed to be on a layover (all nighter) in Chicago, on his way to Utah. Thank heavens Chicago was having such bad weather

that they cancelled his flight and he got to go this morning instead. On a direct flight with NO layover at all!!!! We really did well on that exchange. On a different note. I really like these pics. Levi doesn't like his, he says it makes his head look big. So what do you guys think?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This may be early, but...

I was wondering if/when/where GNO '09 would be this year. I wonder because Jeff and I (and Laila and Brent) are celebrating our ten year anniversary (can you believe it?!?) So, just in case we want to plan something to celebrate, I want to know when not to plan it for!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Food Storage Blog

I love this new food storage blog and have told a couple people about it already. Those of you in Utah have probably already heard about it also.
It is...

Well I was just on there today and saw that they started another one that is linked to it with more ideas and info.

Then while reading Laila's post and being jealous about her great deals, I remembered seeing this link to another blog and the lady says she can get you a good deal on Sunday papers. She also has people write in and post what they bought and how much they spent. Laila could write in, and Andra!
Here is the link to the other one...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Food Storage 101 - What Andra Taught Me

So I like to coupon shop. Andra taught me this. I also live in an area surrounded by every kind of store...including grocery stores (7 in a 5 mile radius.) I am not posting this to make anyone feel like they should become a coupon shopper. I wanted to post because it (shopping like this) is fun and I wanted to share with my family. This is what I purchased:

4 Boxes Bisquick
4 (6pack) Dora Yogurts
4 Cake frosting
6 mashed/specialty potatoes
8 Gogurts (Brent and hunter LOVE them frozen)
4 Muffin mixes
7 boxes Granola Bars
4 brownie mixes
4 frozen veggies (don't worry...I am eating plenty of veggies. I got 10 last week for free :)
2 packs juice boxes
2 packs sponges
1 bag carrots

Total Sale Price : $112.something
Total Out of Pocket (what I actually paid) : $25.00
I love this game (especially when I am still under my grocery budget this week)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Party Pictures!

I don't want to take away from Ramona's beautiful tribute to Grandma, so I hesitate to post these- but the funeral did remind me that I promised to share our pictures from the Christmas party. We had quite the pile!

Thank you to everyone who came- and we really missed those who couldn't!

...and what get-together would be complete without adjustments from Grandpa?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

To Know Them Was to Love Them!

Together again at last! Heaven was celebrating yesterday as our beloved Grandma and Grampa were reunited, never to be apart again. Dear, sweet Grandma Watson passed away yesterday morning about 10:31 in an Ogden hospital.

Aunt Pam said when Grandma got up yesterday morning she complained of a pain and tightness in her chest. The Paramedics were called and they transported her to the hospital where they performed an MRI and found that her aneurism had ruptured. There was nothing they could do for her.

Thankfully, she was not in a great deal of pain, and Aunt Pam and Uncle Chuck were with her when she died. She was alert when the paramedics were at the house, and when she arrived at the hospital, but by the time she had emerged from the MRI she did not seem to recognize anyone. Your Dad and I walked into the hospital just as she passed away.

We were able to spend a wonderful 2-hour visit with her on Christmas Eve. She laughed and talked, and we had a wonderful visit of memories and reminiscing. As we left I hugged her and said, "If you see Cindy or my Mom before I do, please give them a hug for me!" I'm sure she did!

We spent the rest of the day with Aunt Pam and Uncle Chuck and the others making plans for the funeral which will be held on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 in Aunt Pam's Church. We'll send you the address as soon as we know it. There will be a family reception on Friday night from 6-8:00 at the Russon Bros. Mortuary, just down the street from Aunt Pam's in Farmington. There will be another brief viewing at 1:00 Saturday, just before the funeral.

All grandsons who are in attendance will be pall bearers. All other grandsons are listed as honorary pall bearers. Also, all grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be singing "I Am a Child of God" at the funeral. It will be extemporaneous, no rehearsal necessary. Just bring yourselves and your children to the stand and everyone will sing.

We will be leaving early Monday morning to travel to the Farm. There will be another funeral held next Saturday, Jan 10th, in the Hartsville Ward. Not sure of the time yet, but we'll keep you posted. For those of you in the East, it would be wonderful to see you there if you can make it. I'm sure we will repeat "I Am a Child of God" for those of you who can be there to sing.

We are sending a spray of flowers in your names for anyone who would like to go in on them. $10.00 per family should cover the cost.

Love to all.