Sunday, July 18, 2010

Girl's Night Out 2011

Check your emails girls!

Cindy and I are hatching up a plan that includes:  Sisters, no stress, no responsibility, a free plane ticket, no children.  Ohh, did I mention alligators?    Do I have your attention yet?  We need to chat about dates, etc. 


Apache Watsons said...

I have my sex change scheduled!! Leths go, girlths!!!

abstowe said...


Nathan and Margaret said...

Wow. . .looks good. What is the cost going to be? How does that look?

somestratt said...

Margaret! Probably less than going to Utah!

abstowe said...

Marg, It looks like we can stay in an ocean front room with a deck for just over $100 per person. This is for 3 nights! Compare that to the cost of a plane ticket to Utah, money for a hotel room AND the $$$ spent on deals in Park City, and it makes this look like....well..... A walk on the beach!

Cindy said...

Ben, if we were going to take any man in the world (other than our husbands) it would definitely be you!!