Saturday, December 26, 2009


This Beautiful Little Girl will be getting her Name and Blessing on January 3rd, 2010.
I believe that a circle of Brethren and Brethren In Laws would be quite a sight.
Sacrament meeting will be beginning at 1 pm.

To get there, Exit I-15 at #334, or 700 South, Clearfield.
West to 1000 East, and left (south) until 1225 south (into a neighborhood) and straight to the church.

Look forward to seeing all those for whom it is possible.
Much Love,
Sam, Emily, and Kayla.


Nanna said...

We were planning to head East early the morning of the 3rd, but we'll delay the start of our trip so we can be there. We missed you on Christmas!!!!!

abstowe said...

Are you doing any kind of lunch thing after? If so, what can we bring and if not, no problem!

I am Sam said...
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I am Sam said...

we had not planned to do a lunch afterword.
Regretfully, Our apartment isn't big enough for many people.

abstowe said...

I will be so kind as to offer Laila's house! We could all bring food and do a pot luck. What do you say??????

I am Sam said...

Laila says Yes to the dinner at her house, with the caveat that chairs will become an issue.
Who is in, and for what???
And do we eat just after Sacrament meeting or after the block? (4 pm on our new schedule)

abstowe said...

There is an unwritten rule on blessing day. Sacrament ONLY!!! That way, everyone has time to enjoy your baby!
Bob and I can bring one table and 8 chairs. We'll have to see if Jeff can bring up some more.
Anyone want to suggest food ideas?

Cindy said...

Once again, we will be there in spirit!

somestratt said...

Cindy, you seem to say this ALOT!

I am Sam said...

who and what? Ramona has volunteered to bring rolls and a plate of luncheon meat turkey. that kinda steers towards some sandwiches, so i'm going to look into a Sams club plate of cheeze and meats too for sandwiches, and probably some brownies... and as for the rest, who knows. discuss.

abstowe said...

I have a very large, very chocolate cake from Costco waiting to be brought up there. Luckily, the kids have not attacked it yet!

Jeremy said...

We cant be there we love you guys though and your baby.