Saturday, March 8, 2008

I know we're a little behind the construction curve but we figured we would throw our hats into the ring. We asked Amber's brother in law to bring a crew down from Idaho Falls to help us finish our basement last week. There were four guys who Carter just idolized. He "went to work" every day as soon as he got off the bus handing them nails and eating their treats. He made two dollars and can't wait for them to come back to finish up. I was impressed to see how much they could get done in four days.

This last picture is where I am going to mount the projector for movie nights! Hope you can all come and help us test it out.


somestratt said...

Ah ha! So you did it! What a smart idea having Ambers brother hook you up. Probably much more affordable that way. And yes, once all the ground work is laid (which it was when you moved in) the rest goes pretty fast. I can't wait to see it when I am out there in May.

Nathan and Margaret said...

So what all is going to be in the basement? bedrooms? Theater? other fun junk? It is looking great! like it took us 5 months to get to that point!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apache Watsons said...

looking good, jefe. carter on thr pw50 is definitely mucho buenisimo!

cindy baldwin said...

So cool! I think a place for a projector is a fabulous idea!

PS--this is Cindy, not Cindy LYnn....