Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Come See Me!

I know that's an invitation that no one can refuse, especially if it's accompanied by dessert. I am going to be at Andra's house tomorrow night and would love it if everyone could come for dessert. Andra had said earlier that we would do birthday cake for LeighAnn, but I see that her birthday really is a week away. So perhaps not. But one way or another, we will have something sweet to eat tomorrow night. I should be there by 5:30 or 6 and hope to see everyone who can make it!


abstowe said...

Holy Cow! I really did think you were talking about NEXT week! I will just have to bag out of study group and play instead. Hope you don't mind a freezer meal, because that is all there is time for tomorrow!

Jeremy said...

We will be there with the baby. love you guys.

cindy baldwin said...

Man!!! Wish I could come!!! I want to see that baby! ;)