Tuesday, April 1, 2008

kids say the darndest...

The little kids came to watch a movie with me in the hospital today. (Like the nice outfits? I'm in two kinds of isolation, so everyone but my parents get this VIP treatment. For a full photo gallery go here.)

According to isolation rules, they're supposed to be wearing gloves too, but everyone hates the gloves so I usually sneak my patients in without the gloves on and give them a good dose of Purell instead. Today, after I'd got them all gowned and masked and was getting them settled in and starting the movie, I had completely forgotten to sanitize the kids' hands like I'd told them I would.

Suddenly Rachel turned to me with a shocked look on her face and said "Nin! You forgot to fertilize our hands!"

Another funny story: my new neighbor is a very sick, sad, continually screaming baby. The poor thing has been wailing since it came in sometime yesterday evening with very few breaks! After hearing the cries this afternoon Rachel asked, "Oh, is this the place where they pull the babies out? Because I think they just pulled a baby out and it is mad!" It took me a minute to realize that she was talking about birth....


Josh said...

Hey, where am I?


cindy baldwin said...

you have to come back so I can get a picture of you in your hazmat suit because you were so busy playing puzzle pirates yesterday that I did not. ;)

somestratt said...

That is so funny CL. Are the antibiotics helping?

cindy baldwin said...

Yeah I think they are. They would be helping even more if the doctors would let me go home!!!

abstowe said...

I so love doctors -not! I guess you don't feel like the hospital is a vacation while you are there like I do! I remember my mom telling us how having a baby was just like going on vacation (she got to stay 3-4 days) but I have really enjoyed my 48 hours of full service 8 times now!
Good thing you have movies and computers to keep you entertained.
Tip: Rent Freak the Mighty. It is great, even for the hazmat kids.