Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funny College Story!! from Rexburg

SO, Monday the 7th, first day of classes. However, Our relaxing vacation did nothing to help us wake up at 7:30 in the A.M. for classes Monday morning. We woke up to my alarm only to both realize that the first day of classes isn't really that important, cause "they only do introductions and syllabi's" so we might as well keep sleeping.
So Tuesday came along and we decided that tuesday thursday classes were technically on their first day also, so we didn't end up going for the same reason. Although the decision was made together, there was a little hesitancy with both of us. For example I like the first day of class vibe, you can tell I believe if a professor is going to be a complete freak when it comes to busywork and expectations.
So it's Tuesday and I call the financial aid office to talk about a grant we had received, and I am told that it doesn't release until the first day of classes. To which I respond "wasn't that 2 days ago?" to which the financial aid woman says, "no classes start tomorrow" turns out that classes don't start tell Wednesday the 9th and that our collective laziness has ZERO repercussions. BLESSED life in Idaho!!!! Other than that I'm in love beyond my wildest. Love you all. Jeremy


somestratt said...

sounds like you guys are really good for each other!!! I love thinking about those days of it being just me and Brent, the 3 hour sunday naps, the lazy mornings. Ah!!! Oh well, we did have Hunter babysit on Sunday since we stayed up till 3am working on our counters. It wasn't so bad (the babysitting) and both Brent and I slept. It has only taken nearly 6 years to get here!!!

abstowe said...

Jeremy, that is so funny! What a hoot, to have that "guilty pleasure" of skipping class, only to find out that you weren't guilty at all!

Nathan and Margaret said...

They say great minds work alike, and I guess if you put both of those minds together in the same bed they can be really scary!!!!! Maybe you guys should only sign up for classes after 9?

Cindy said...

Jeremy, sounds like you guys are a bad influence on each other!! LOL. I agree with Laila--enjoy those lazy mornings while you can!